My First Beef Bundle Experience. The first Foxhollow Farm steer we processed was in the fall of 2006. I was in college in Boone, North Carolina at the time. While finishing up my senior year, I was deep in the research and development stage of a business plan to market and sell Foxhollow Farm’s 100% Grassfed Beef. My Mom and I split that first steer among our family with each of us receiving ⅛ of the beef to taste test and share with friends around our dinner tables. I remember asking my dear friend, Liza, to bring the ⅛ beef share to me in North Carolina. Conveniently, she happen to be making the trek from Louisville to Boone for her cousin’s wedding.
We rotate our cattle throughout the pastures and fall’s grasses are chock full of sugars and proteins that finish our cattle to perfection. We never give our cattle added hormones or antibiotics. We raise our beef in the healthiest way possible for the land, the animals, and our fellow human beings. Biodynamic agriculture inspires us daily. I hope you enjoy your beef bundle as much as I did back in the fall of 2006.
Thank you for supporting our family farm!
Maggie Keith, 4th generation steward