Signs of Spring on the Farm

Signs of Spring Foxhollow Farm

Signs of Spring on the Farm. Spring at the farm is a truly magical time. After a long, hard winter, it's such a joy to see familiar, smiling faces again in the fields. The flower girls are waiting for their tulips to pop any moment, Pavel is harvesting wintered vegetables, Jared and Josh are getting ready for their first shipment of baby birds, and we are running to see the baby lambs at any available moment. The air is crisp, the sun is warm, and spirits are high.

The energy is tangible as we gather in the green house to start seeds and the garden slowly comes back to life with Spring blooms. And the BABIES! Nothing says spring like a fresh baby calf. Watching them wobble and learn to run on those new legs is an incredibly sweet sight, almost as amazing as seeing (and hearing!) the bond between these babies and their mamas.

This year, we're taking a break from typical spring cleaning and focusing on ourselves! Some of our favorite forms of self care this season are:

  • Get out and get moving! Meet up with a friend you haven't been able to see and go out for a walk
  • Nature Hunt - find your favorite nature treasures and make a nature table! Ours currently has dried flowers, rocks, and a jaw bone we found after the last snow.
  • Soak up that sun! Give your body all the Vitamin D, but don't forget your SPF.
  • Take a meal to a friend and eat together outside! We show our love through cooking, so make something special for a friend or family member and celebrate the new season together.

We hope you'll join us this spring in taking a little extra care of ourselves and each other! Cheers to warmer weather ahead.

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