Foxhollow Beef Makes Great Primal Time TV - Part 1

Foxhollow Farm Great Primal

Foxhollow Beef Makes Great Primal Time TV.

4 Things An Animal Must Have (according to butcher Dario Cecchini):

  • A good life - a healthy life with natural feed and ample clean space to move around
  • A good death - no trauma when being transported, which often leads to shock
  • A good butcher -someone who knows how to select the right parts and cut them in a way that brings out the best qualities
  • A good cook - someone who can dignify the animal and all those whose labors led it to this table

Foxhollow has been lucky to have some prestigious visitors over the years, but working with the team at Bravo's Top Chef was different from any experience I’d had. It felt like we built a relationship. The production crew visited us several times over a few months - they came to the concerts, walked the farm, and learned about the animals. However, my commitment as the Top Chef Cast Gardener didn’t necessarily mean Foxhollow would make a show appearance. So it was a happy surprise when I got the call that they wanted to use an animal from our farm for an episode featuring internationally-renowned butcher, Dario Cecchini. They were flying him from Italy to demonstrate butchering the whole animal to the "9 primal cuts.”

You can read more about this episode here. Make sure to check our part 2 of Foxhollow Beef Makes Great Primal Time TV soon.

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