Lets Talk About the benefits of Beef Liver
Were you forced to eat liver as a child and hate it with every fiber of your being? Good, this article is for you. Let’s reintroduce you to your new(old) best friend.
I’m here to make you a be(liver)!
Today on the blog, we’re going to talk all things liver~ the facts, the benefits, a myth(busted),and how to make your own liver pills if you still can’t stomach the taste.
Beef liver contains more nutrients, gram for gram, than any other food ON THE PLANET! Abundant in many important nutrients, beef liver delivers a wide spectrum of vitamins, minerals, protein and fat. It is one of the highest quality and most nutritionally complete foods around, period.
Benefits of Beef Liver
- Contains concentrated, high-quality protein
- Improves energy
- Increases endurance and athletic performance
- Builds and repairs muscles
- Strengthens the immune system
- Improves digestion
- Boosts metabolism
- Strengthens the respiratory system
- Supports heart health
- Balances blood sugar
- Helps maintain good cholesterol levels
- Reverses iron deficiency and anemia
- Aids in the repair of DNA and RNA
One common misperception is that liver should not be eaten because it contains toxins. This is completely false. The liver’s function in the body is to neutralize toxins. It does not store these toxins; it flushes them from the body!
I have noticed a significant difference with my energy levels and mood when I take liver pills. I feel complete, alert, strong, and I’m truly OBSESSED.
So what are you waiting for?! We love the benefits of beef liver and we hope you now love them too!
Check out this Liver Pill blog by our lovely customer Lisa who will show you a step by step guide on how to make your very own liver pills using our grassfed, grass finished beef!